28 November 2010

Time Flies By, Part 3: Changes

Part 3: Changes
Anchorage, Alaska

The end of September I was called to be a temple ordinance worker. I work Thursday evenings. I worked September 23rd then the temple was closed for two weeks for General Conference and cleaning. Since then, I've been able to get passed off on all the ordinances. It's a lot of memorization but it is so wonderful to read and know what is said, be able to take in the significance of many of the words used and humbling to administer these sacred ordinances.

October brought a trip to ID for Kent (for retirement planning), Halloween and cold weather but no snow. It didn't snow until November and then it has hit with a vengeance! Lots of accidents that first real snow day and then people drove slower, made sure their studded tires were on. Then the weather warmed and froze the melting snow. That coupled with sleet made the roads slicker than snot! More accidents. Fortunately we didn't have any trouble or accidents and knock on wood our accident-free time will continue.

Thanksgiving was spent at some friend's home. The Barruses invited us and to my surprise Kent accepted. He just didn't want the mess for the two of us. Surprised me because he has never, ever wanted to go anywhere else for Thanksgiving dinner. I did miss the smell of turkey cooking throughout the day. Kent made 2 pumpkin pies and a yam/apple casserole that I actually enjoy. I made some deviled eggs and a Texas Fudge Pecan Pie. We brought home most of the yam casserole, and almost all three pies... Nobody was hungry after dinner. There was lots and lots of food. Nice friends and they have a nice family and friends that joined with us.

Black Friday has come and gone. Didn't get so much this year. Didn't even leave the house until 6:30... Not much held my interest. But there is still a thrill of getting a bargain. Lowes had 2-quart poinsettias on sale for just $.98! I got 12. They will be used for the ward Christmas dinner and home teaching/visiting teaching families. Right now they are clustered on our iron baker's rack and really look quite festive!

I've just been moved from teaching the 8-9 year olds to becoming the Primary pianist. I will miss teaching. My class was great and it was a joy to teach them. Kent is still ward clerk. I wonder why he gets to keep the same calling in a year while I get moved around... I'm glad to be of service but will miss my class.

So our wandering for the year 2010 is finished. But the wondering is still on-going. Wondering what the kids are up to (even though we speak with them often), what Kent got me for Christmas (he went shopping today), and wondering what I'm going to get him, wondering how school is going for Daniel and David and Tawnie, wondering if Andrew will get a new job, wondering where Katie and Brian will be living when their new son is born. Lots to look forward to! And wondering what the new year will bring.

I don't want you to wonder what we are grateful for. As I work with the elderly and disabled, I am so grateful for good health for all of our family. I'm grateful that my mother is still enjoying an active life. I'm grateful to be able to go to the temple each week. I'm grateful that Kent and I both have good jobs. I'm grateful for a cat that likes to sleep with me. I'm grateful for great kids and greater grandchildren! I'm grateful for the Savior and the gospel. I'm grateful for church leaders who work tirelessly for me and you. I'm grateful for a warm home, a working car (that even still looks good) and a plan for retirement that includes our home in Idaho. I'm grateful to live in the States once again, to be able to vote, to be able to read English and not to struggle with another language. I'm grateful to have moose come visit us in our back yard and to enjoy the wonder of nature. There is so much to be grateful for!


  1. Nice to catch up with you; thanks for posting.

  2. Enjoyed your updates. Your time in the temple is a treasure. I can sympathize with having to give up a wonderful class. I still miss Nursery - that was a most rewarding calling!
